Minor Bantam AA Gold Clinch 1st Place, News, Minor Bantam AA Gold, U14 (Minor Bantam), 2012-2013 (London Junior Knights)


This Team is part of the 2012-2013 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 11, 2013 | btugwell | 1918 views
Minor Bantam AA Gold Clinch 1st Place
After a strong push to the end of the regular season, the London Jr. Knights Minor Bantam AA Gold team clinched 1st place overall for the regular season with a win over Waterloo on Saturday.
During this time, the team has put up great numbers with an unbeaten streak going back to the start of December and including a tournament win in Pittsburgh.
Great job guys!!! Keep up the great work.

Bring on the playoffs
